looking for a cofounder for profitable - 創業

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2021-02-19T11:26

Table of Contents

Looking for a cofounder who would be willing to profit share. I was suppose to
be in Malaysia but due to COVID, looking to bring on a cofounder. A brief abo
ut myself: +10 years of business experience at Deloitte, Unilever, Siemens Hea
lth. Co-founded VC funded KJ Online, Taiwan's first video mental health platfo
rm. Regularly invited to keynote conferences to speak in experiences in techno
logy startups at CES and Tech In Asia. Featured on TechNode温ttps://technode.c
om/2016/06/13/trying-fill-gaps-chinas-mental-health-system-kajin-health/, All
Tech Asia温ttps://alltechasia.com/this-startup-is-raising-mental-health-awaren
ess-among-chinese/, Digital News Asia温ttps://www.digitalnewsasia.com/startups
/mental-health-marketing. Members of SOSV温ttps://sosv.com/portfolio/乸nd The
Ventury温ttps://theventury.com/meet-teams-growthbotics/. I regularly post blog
s on Medium like this:温ttps://medium.com/@wilsonckao/how-to-start-a-startup-i
n-telemedicine-3f9bdfabf0ba嘢ur pitch:温ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHjoaF8
I also have a furniture and education business under my belt.

You don't need to have any expertise and you may only be a recent college grad
uate, but you will need to preserve and work on a fulltime basis. Please line
me if you are interested:

LINE ID: kao02c

Tags: 創業

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Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2021-02-19T11:04
http://i.imgur.com/XBfHzyV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KtDGTgX.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4HJ1Yv3.jpg http://i.imgur.com/X3E5jKg.jpg 賣27立飲料桶(有2個)700元38CM高湯鍋300元(有1個)42CM高湯鍋400(有1個)豆花桶150(有1個)皆少用物況佳 整理出清空間品項 ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2021-02-18T22:52
第一次在此發言,如有不妥請鞭小力點 家人最近想要創業,所以也陪著他去聽有興趣加盟的店家 產品本身沒問題,但想說只是先去聽聽店家的規劃,多比較跟增加對這方面的了解 但對方卻告知目前有不少人有興趣,現在是免加盟金,之後就要,要我們馬上決定繳交保證金保留加盟資格 我聽了覺得有蠻多疑問的,例如基本產品各品項的成本表、毛利表,店租應該要預抓多少、配送時間次數等,卻都輕描淡寫帶過,雖然我知道這個店家是剛開始開 ...

桃園 店面求租

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2021-02-18T20:57
求租:店面 用途:檳榔店 地點:桃園(桃園區、八德區、中壢區) 聯絡方式:私訊或留言 謝謝 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2021-02-18T10:57
請慎選合作對象,本版不為任何發文者或廠商背書,請注意--(本行不可刪)*[m 1.姓名:AROMAKER 2.性別:男 3.年齡:30-35 4.地區:台中 5.專長/事業領域:香水/調香 6.現況:創業中 7.事業類型:有限公司 8.預計合作方式:分紅 9.聯絡電話:0919783598 10.其他聯絡方式: LINE ID : wholeentire ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2021-02-18T10:55
目前家中有租地做有機無毒耕種 然後用自產的蔬菜生菜做成健康便當跟生菜沙拉販售 從自家廚房供餐 販賣平台目前是用官方line 從朋友慢慢介紹出去 大概剛開始一個多月 營業額快超過八萬了 上網爬文得知要營業登記、稅籍登記、食品業者認證? 請問辦理有什麼先後順序嗎?或是要注意什麼? 想知道有沒有什麼小細節是前輩們可以分享的 感激萬分 - ...