Re: 有人可以告訴我這次討論的題目嗎 - 電子商務

By James
at 2005-10-23T00:03
at 2005-10-23T00:03
Table of Contents
1.Neuther the U.S. nor Europe grows bananas. Why,then are the two sides
squaring off against each other?
2.In 1999, the USA imposed 100% tariffs on 16 categories of goods
imported from Europe, including Pringle jumpers shortbread from
Scotland, cheese from Italy etc. On what basis do you think that
the office of the United States' trade representatives made its choices
as to which goods targets for tariffs?
3.During the USA's argument which the EU,the USA also imposed 100%
tariffs on Japanese luxury cars. The USA argued that the Japanese
car industry was deliberately not buying the cheaper USA components.
Yet, the Japanese did not encourage its manufacturers to
purchase American component. Why not?
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