網路用語生活化 - 電子商務

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2001-08-08T11:07

Table of Contents



Translation: Ill-defined units of free time(see Bandwith, how's yours).

Example: "Hey, Roberta, you have some cycles. Give me a hand."

Double-Click on That

Translation: That is really quite good.

Example: "Our I.P.O. tripled in value today. Double-click on that!"

How's Your Bandwidth?

Translation: Are you busy?

Example: "Hey, how's your bandwidth? Can you stay late? Until Tuesday?"

It's Just One Iteration

Translation: It's only the first draft. It will go through more edits.

I've Got to Log Off Now

Translation: I have to hang up the phone.


Translation: Meet Your Milestones.

Example: "When you launch, you better go mym; out there it's sink or mym."


Translation: To contact, to call.

Example: "Where is Bob?" "I don't know. Why don't you ping him?"

Take That Offline

Translation: Discuss in private.

Example: "Let's take your insinuations offline, after this conference call."

-------------------------------------------------Adapted from New York Times

NTU eBusiness


All Comments

Re: 第一po

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2001-08-08T09:27
喔 我收了好幾封 裡面都是sircam 不過Norton Antivirus都自動擋掉了 - ...

Re: 遺憾

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2001-08-08T09:20
※ 引述《s3011 (www.soidea.com.tw/ntueb)》之銘言: : 很多很棒的文章就此煙消雲散... 遺憾什麼 板主有多久沒收精華區 結果就是這樣了 - ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2001-08-07T20:38
很多很棒的文章就此煙消雲散... -- 不是苦惱太多 而是 我們的胸懷 不夠開闊 不是幸福太少 而是 我們還不懂 如何生活 - ...

Re: 第一po

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2001-08-07T09:20
※ 引述《dilbertlin (捕風捉影SB)》之銘言: : as title 這情形真是太糟糕了... 我還以為至少會留下M的文章 Good Heaven! 有部片and#34;Dark Angeland#34; 背景是在全世界遭受Hertzian waves襲擊之後 所有電腦中的數據資料全掛了 存款 ...