拜託高手幫我翻譯英翻中很短20點奉上急!! - 事業

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2009-10-25T00:00

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Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2009-10-29T03:29
兩個都不通 都網頁翻譯的吧
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2009-10-25T05:55
Hello! I am Sam, I have a mild personality easy to get along, I love to go to the beach Tata waves, and I feel will be very comfortable, I also like fishing fishing shrimp, play games, look at books and TV
This time of summer, I attended the National Youth Commission of the work-study program, which more than a month so I am more familiar with the cultural and historical work, but also from time to time participated in the 12, but this experience will be a good collection, as my major internship experience.
This summer, let me have one more family members from Shoushan shelters adopt him back, he is a Shih Tzu, he is very cute, like a rag doll, and we get along well.
The Hall tour in English, I hope to learn a brief introduction with a foreigner in Taiwan, World Games, I saw a lot of foreign players, I would like to tell them a good chat, but I think I have language skills to be strengthened, and hope that this lesson finished, I can have a great progress.
雖然也是網頁翻譯 (謎:你眼殘!?
要不要用隨你 (廢言
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2009-10-27T04:45
Hello! I am Sam, my individuality temperate good is together, I will like the seashore treading the wave, the mood will be very comfortable, I will also like fishing the shrimp, will play the game, will read with television this time summer vacation, I participated in the blue auxiliary meeting to work part-time and study part-time the plan, this more than months let me be familiar with the literature and history work, when participation 12, collected well this time experience, treat as my important practice experience.     This summer vacation, also let my family many members, recognized from the mt. shoushan collection post him raises, he was a Xi Shi dog, heVery lovable, looks like a cloth doll, we are together harmoniously.   This hall sightseeing English, I hoped that can study simple introduces Taiwan with the foreigner, olympic games period, saw the overseas contestant, I good wants to chat with them, but I thought that my verbal skill waits for strengthening, hoped this hall class finishes attending, I can have the very big progress.


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-10-25T00:00
告別18還是迎接19?? ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-10-25T00:00
我想做好吃 和大眾化口味壽司的製作方法........
1. 用米 [代替糯米] 和醋 比例多少
2. 飯是隔夜飯�� ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2009-10-25T00:00
因為工作的關西~所以要把一些andamp;quot;麵包andamp;quot;或andamp;quot;蛋糕andamp;quot;的名稱翻成英文我光想這些中文名�� ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2009-10-25T00:00
住家一樓新開了家麵包店廚房設置在地下室和大樓停車場可相通因在廚房內有設置烤箱配電系統變壓設備瓦斯筒及 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2009-10-25T00:00
如標題請問各位大大是不是最近有個演唱會主題好像是把愛唱出來地點在中正紀念堂那詳細的時間是什麼時候呢感 ...