HP總裁卡莉.菲奧莉娜-創新.卓越.縱橫全球 - 電子商務

By William
at 2004-10-16T01:33
at 2004-10-16T01:33
Table of Contents
由hp總裁 Ms.Carly Fiorina主講
1.21th century is an age of ideas.
In this century,everything is becoming mobile,digital,and personal.
2.The most important thing in business is to train managers to manage
virtural teams.(for everyone almost becomes digital mobile .)
3.Adaptability is what distnguishes winners from losers.
4.Value increasing is the key point. Now value is created across divisions
or departments. ( before value was created virtically) Now we have to think
about value creation horizontally.
5.Leadership are not defined by numbers,but by capability,character,and
collaboration,and collaboration is required in every level.
6.The serious danger of CEO is isolation.
以上是她演講的大概內容 我盡力把所聽到的寫下來 括號內的是意思相近 但我來不及
抄的句子 雖然只有短短的30分鐘 但她很精確的講出面對新世紀的企業經營方向和
管理模式 裡面似乎有不少我們以前學的管理學的應用 對了 她還提到 HP每年花40億
美金在R&D(研發製造)上 HP的產品有60%的製造都是在美國以外的國家完成 台灣是HP最
大的代工國家...(希望我沒翻錯 >0<")
I can face tomorrow because He lives;all fear is gone because I know He
holds the future,and life is worth the living just because He lives.
All Comments

By Dinah
at 2004-10-16T06:00
at 2004-10-16T06:00

By Dora
at 2004-10-16T08:17
at 2004-10-16T08:17
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